
How’s your winter going so far? It doesn’t really feel like winter does it? Not in England anyway. I went to New York a couple of weeks ago for my friends 30th birthday, we were lucky enough to experience 3 out of the 4 seasons while we were out there. It was glorious when we arrived on the monday…

and we woke up to snow on the saturday…

Global Warming ay. It was lovely to walk around Central Park in the snow but the fallen trees were a massive reminder that we are screwing ourselves up. So many trees fell because they still had their leaves. Its pretty sad. It was only October!

So, in order to bum you out further, I have decided to play you a new tune I wrote a couple of months ago. I recorded it at Jamie Woon’s and Royce Wood Junior’s studio. Well, actually, I recorded the harp in my bedroom at my folks house holding the microphone with my knees so Roycey, who produced it, had a lot of work to do. I think he did a smashing job. He also made this video for it. What a dude.

So thats it for now. Until next time!
Stac xx

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